Aggressive Medical Treatment in the Case of Charlie Gard

The heartwrenching situation of the European judicial system determining the fate of Charlie Gard has captured international attention and a petition has been launched for his parents to exercise their right to make medical decisions for their son. It is a shame this abuse of judicial power receives less attention than the media’s fixation on political opponents. Calls have flooded the Vatican asking the Pope to intervene and the Pontifical Academy for Life issued a statement two days. The statement is disappointing, to say the least, and one writer notes that it is frightening that the Catholic Church is not taking a firmer stance for Charlie’s life. Continue reading

Killing Children We Never Knew We Had: An Effect of Contraception

This week is National NFP awareness week and many Catholics—as well as other Christians—in the United States practice some form of artificial birth control. By looking at the origins of the widespread dissent among many Christians from the apostolic faith on marriage and the one important danger of the pill that I think is too often ignored, I hope Natural Family Planning will be seen as more faithful to God’s teaching for marriage and better able to ensure a the life of a child in the womb. Continue reading